A downloadable game for Windows

Wandering Darkness

In this 3rd Person exploration game you play as miner who has been caved in and must escape! But be carful to keep your lantern lit, for the darkness encroaches.  


W : Forward
A : Left
S : Back
D : Right

Mouse : rotate to look around

E : Interact with obstacle, or pickup fuel

Being caved in your player has only has, a lantern, themselves, and the darkness that surrounds them. 

As player dives deeper in the caves to find a exit, they will find obstacles in their path. Worry not for your trusty lantern can be used to move them, but with a cost of fuel. The player can find fuel around the map to survive the darkness. 

The darkness is always around you and slowly chases the player to give sense of urgency to get out. Being consumed by the darkness, the player will lose.


 AIE Winter Game Jam Production 2021



Aidan Neumann, Game Designer - gameplay loop design, level design, team coordination, story building, game ideation, scene decoration, voice actor

Danny Hipolito, Game Artist - modeling and texture design for Crate, Barrel, Lantern, overseeing texture implementation ensuring a cohesive color palette and textures, created the UI death screen artwork, game ideation, voice actor

Michael, Programmer - character controller, minecarts movement, animations, BG music control, player camera control

Jake Unabia, Game Artist- Character concept, character model, modeling and texturing for wood and stone assets, title art screen and win art screen, game ideation, voice actor

Josiah Hummel, Game Artist - character rigging and animation, sound design, extra props ( rubble, glowing fuel), particle effects, game ideation

Justin Ward-Kizanis, Game Artist - Modeling and texturing for game map pieces, snow, pick axe, level design, scene decoration, lighting at end, game ideation

River Martin, Game Artist - Modeling and texture design for Minecart, rails, spiderweb graphic, end credits screen

Will Benham, Programmer -lantern mechanics, win, death, refueling ore

Jasper Conley, Game Designer and Producer - gameplay loop design, level design, team coordination, amalgamating work from everyone into one scene


Ver 0.0.1.zip 137 MB
Ver 0.02.zip 139 MB
Ver 0.03.zip 141 MB

Install instructions

  • Download zip in totality
  •  unzip to desired location 
  • run .exe file to play
  • you must have all files in the zip


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The game's fairly decent for being made by a team of students. I only wish the 'darkness' was an actual monster that you could see coming close to the player character when your lantern got low on fuel. Not bad besides that.

Here's my channel for other games I have played. http://www.youtube.com/c/Levont

Your feedback is really cool to hear! We made the itch.io page before the game camera was set so I just updated that. This title will likely stay a game jam game and not much more, for a lot of us it was our first jam! Thank you very much for your input though!